Product was given to me in order to post my honest opinion.
My daughter loves crafts. She plays with paper and glue all the time and is very imaginative with her work. For the holidays and her birthday, I like to get her a few crafts or crafting supplies. I was really excited to work with Maria Palito and her eco-friendly, hand crafted sewing kits. I knew my daughter would love to do this craft with me.
My daughter is only 6, so the sewing was a little hard for her to do by herself. We worked together as a team to complete the kit. My daughter likes penguins, so I chose the Penguin Sewing Kit for her. If it was up to me, I would have gotten an owl! Can’t you tell I LOVE OWLS???? I think my seven year old son would have liked the Monster Sewing Kit. he probably could have figured out how to sew on his own.