Vitamin C Serum to Help your Skin Look Young

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.


My morning and evening routine for my face never change and are never forgotten. I always wash, tone, and moisturize in the morning. In the evening, I wash, apply eye cream, vitamin C serum, and face cream. I try to keep my skin looking fresh and young.


I have incorporated into my daily routine. Unlike many serums, this serum is not greasy. It isn’t heavy and goes on lite. This is unlike any serum I have ever tried, but I do think it is worth it to add to my routine. Even though I protect my skin with sunscreen, I know sun damage happens. The Vitamin C helps my skin look younger and helps reverse signs of aging.


The serum is not oily and rubs on my skin like water. It has a murky clear color to it. It just takes a couple of drops from the dropper to cover my whole face. There really isn’t a scent either.


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Keratin Hair Volumizer Makes Hair Strong & Thick from the Inside Out

Product was given to me in order to post my honest opinion.


After reading that title I bet you are wondering how you help your hair grow thick and strong from the inside. I have worked with NeoCell before and shared about their collagen products that help your body’s appearance when you ingest them. I have previously reviewed their Beauty Bursts and their 3 Step Beauty Program. The Beauty Burst chews were really tasty!


NeoCell strives to restore beauty through supplements. Many of these supplements contain collagen, which is beneficial to the body in that it strengthens and rebuilds muscle mass and connective tissue. Other benefits can be seen in the strength of your fingernails, hair, and skin elasticity.


Keratin Hair Volumizer Makes Hair Strong & Thick from the Inside Out


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Choose to be Naturally Beautiful ~ February Natural Living {Blog Carnival}


Welcome to the February 2014 Natural Living Blog Carnival: Naturally Beautiful.


This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Natural Living Blog Carnival hosted by Happy Mothering and Crunchy Farm Baby through the Green Moms Network. This month, our members are talking about skincare and other personal care products. You’ll find a variety of posts about choosing natural beauty products and even tutorials on how to make some of your own! Be sure to read all of the posts listed at the bottom of mine to learn how to keep your beauty routine safe and natural.


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Love Your Look with $200 Mia Mariu Gift Card {Giveaway} Ends 2/26


The Blogging Mamas Network and Mía Mariú have joined together to inspire you to Love Your Look this Valentine’s Day!



The Mía Mariú philosophy makes the connection between beauty and health in harmony. Mía Mariú’s high performance products are formulated with the most natural ingredients available, helping you achieve vibrant beauty and health inside and out. Each unique product fuses nature and technology by combining the highest quality botanicals, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and peptides.

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Improve Your Cellular Health with HUmineral {PART 2}

Product was sent to me in order to post my honest opinion.


Soil + Seed + Root + Plant = Food = LIFE

Healthy Cells = Healthy Bodies = Healthy Aging


HUmineral has created a line of mineral rich products that contain over 71 organic trace minerals and 8 major minerals. Minerals are important to the bodies ability to function daily and age gracefully. Their products are all plant based, vegan, raw, gluten, soy and dairy free, as well as made and sourced in the USA. There is so much information about minerals that it may take you a while to understand why you need them and how they are created. Read the Part 1 of my review and reference HUmineral’s website for more information.


HUmineral has 4 products that are derived from a fresh water source, organically derived and manufactured, with no chemical cleansing. Plus, all their products are made in the USA. Their products include a HUMIC/PURE FULVIC SKIN SPRITZ which is a natural skin spray (one of my favorite products!), an IMMUNE BOOST RAW LIQUID, an IMMUNE BOOST RAW POWDER that comes in vegetarian capsules, and Zeolite, which is a whole body detox. These products can help you in numerous ways including giving you a better night’s sleep, energy, PH balance, cholesterol support and more.


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Take Care of your Hands and Feet with Habe Naturals

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.



In the winter my hands always go through a dry phase. Also, since I live in Southern California, I wear sandals for 80% of the year, so my feet are often dry and in need of some TLC. Habé Naturals developed a natural cream to alleviate dry, cracked skin.


Take Care of your Hands and Feet with Habe Naturals


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Pretty Mommies {Giveaway} Win 1 set for yourself & 3 sets for your friends! Ends 12/12


Pretty Mommies is ready to help you give (and get) the gift of healthy skin this holiday.


You and 3 of your friends will be gifted the safe, all natural and highly effective 3 part skin care system for pregnant and nursing moms. But don’t worry – your non pregnant and nursing friends will love it, too!


Pretty Mommies Three-Step-System


It’s a simple three step system – Cleanser, Skin Brightener, and Sunscreen – it’ll cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate, brighten, soothe, provide high levels of antioxidants and anti-aging properties, as well as, physical broad spectrum sun protection. If you’re curious about how these products work, be sure to check out the review on According to Jenny.


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Alexa Studded Calfskin Leather Bag {Giveaway} Ends 12/13

Personalized Isabelle Grace Jewelry Makes A Great Gift #HolidayGiftGuide

Product was given to me in order to post my honest opinion.


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As the years go on, I try to find more meaningful gifts for my mom. My family recently moved away from both my parents and my in-laws. This has left some very sad grandparents. When I saw that Isabelle Grace Jewelry can be personalized, I knew that I would find something that would suite my mom.


Personalized Isabelle Grace Jewelry Makes A Great Gift


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Natural Products for my Little Girl with 3 Girls Holistic #HolidayGiftGuide

Product was given to me in order to post my honest opinion.


My daughter wants to do everything I do! While it is sweet, there are things that she is just not ready for! She is only 4! One thing I do with her is paint her nails. She calls it “paint nolish”. I paint her fingers and toes with non-toxic nail polish. Every time I put on makeup, she wants to play with my makeup brushes. I don’t ever put makeup on my daughter but she likes how the brushes tickle her face, so I rub them on her face every now in then in a playful manner. I have encouraged my daughter (and son) to use lip balm to keep their lips from getting dry, specially at night. Again, I only provide them with natural options.


3 Little Girls Holistic ~ So they can be just like mom!


I want to be a good example for my daughter; therefore I only use natural products. I want my daughter to see me using products that are free of dyes, fragrances, and chemicals. When I first saw 3 Girls Holistic, I was impressed by their line of products. Their philosophy is that “You look your best when you feel your best.” Their products are designed to nourish the skin and promote overall health. Your skin absorbs whatever you put on it, therefore make sure that what you put on it, you would put in it!


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