My Life Before Kids
My son just turned 5, so it feels that my life before kids was forever ago! I got pregnant with my son right after my one year anniversary and within a year of graduating college. My life wasn’t really all together at that point. I was married but not working. To be honest, I don’t know what I did with my time! When I got pregnant I decided to start substitute teaching. I took my CSET test, passed it, and began substitute teaching. I am still a sub, 2 kids later.
My son was not a planned pregnancy, so my life did take an unexpected turn. I was still trying to figure out which area of work I wanted to go into. My degree is Sociology, so I was thinking about being a Social Worker. Maybe someday I will be, but since having kids, I like the flexibility with substitute teaching. My son is about to go into Kindergarten and in a couple years once my daughter is in school, I think I will look into switching my career.
I do enjoy staying at home with my kids, but oh… how life is different!
What was your life like before kids?