Food Storage Made Easy ebook for Emergency Family Preparedness

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In preparing for a disaster or an emergency, food storage is something to consider. Thanks to Jodi and Julie at Food Storage Made Easy, who have put together an ebook to help in emergency food preparation, you will learn how to be prepared. Their ebook is divided into three sections: BabyStep Checklists Guide, Food Storage Made Easy Encyclopedia, and Recipe Appendix.




You may feel overwhelmed when you hear the term “food storage”, but Jodi and Julie want it to be fun and easy. In the BabyStep Checklists, you will find 26 checklists to help you build your food storage. The idea is that if you do one checklist every two weeks, you will have a full year supply for one adult for a year. Along with lists of things to do and buy, you are given recipes to try. These lists are designed to help you create a family plan, a disaster kit, and an evacuation list.


Each page in this first ebook is one checklist. Each page easily breaks down what you need to purchase, to do, and the related recipes to try. Each checklist has a theme to walk you through how to use what you purchased. For example, in Checklist #6, you are learning about wheat. Along with buying wheat, you are given recipes to make pizza dough and pancakes.


The Food Storage Made Easy Encyclopedia basically outlines food storage and everything you need to know to be prepared. This section can be printed and contains forms that need to be filled out. There are lists to help you create 72 hour emergency kits. This encyclopedia is chalk full of information. There is so much to learn! The BabyStep Checklists guide you through the encyclopedia.


The Recipe Appendix section houses all the recipes outlined in the BabyStep Checklists. Some recipes include Cheesy Ritzy Potatoes, Cream of Chicken Soup, Homemade Hummus, Honey Whole Wheat Bread, and so much more. With sixty whole food recipes, and food storage substitutions, you can find tips that will help you prepare your food storage meals.


Altogether these three ebooks are easy to follow steps to creating food storage. I learned so much just looking through the ebooks. Living in a small apartment with no garage, doesn’t give us much room for food storage. Once we have a place of our own I will definitely have some sort of food storage. I understand why people want to be prepared, so I am excited to have these ebooks. I never really thought about food storage before, so this is all new to me.



I think the Food Storage Made Easy blog is a great resource for anybody with questions about food storage. There are free downloads available along with other free resources. You can purchase this Food Storage Made Easy Program ebooks for $24. While they provide free resources on their website, the ebook nicely lays out everything you need to know in an easy to print resource guide.


Connect with Food Storage Made Easy on , , and .  You can also sign up for free bi-weekly checklists and a monthly newsletter here.


Have you heard of  food storage before? What are you doing to be prepared for an emergency?


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About Brittney Minor

Brittney is the owner/author of Brittleby's Corner. As a mom to 2 kids, she knows the importance of living a simple, healthy, and natural lifestyle. Brittney actively searches for greener ways to live and shares them with her readers.


  1. allyson says:

    I like that this book is in checklist form because who doesn’t like a checklist.

  2. Jamie says:

    Thanks for the review and drawing.

  3. molli vandehey says:

    oh that look sgreat! and easy to access! thanks!

  4. Alison Gibb

    These e-books look like they would very useful and informational to prepare for an emergency. I dont want anything to happen but it is good to be ready for anything!!

  5. Misty C

    These look great!

  6. Amy P says:

    It’s helpful that there are recipes to go along with the items to store.

  7. Karen D

    I have followed Food Storage Made Easy for a while now, and, for some reason didn’t realize how complete their e-books are!

  8. Teresa

    I’ve been working on building my years supply for over 30 years. At times I have tried to create organizational charts or lists like this, but never quite got it. I’m thrilled that some has done it, and am going to share this site with my children and friends also!

  9. Terri S says:

    This sounds great! Thank you for sharing this with us.

  10. Tami Lewis

    I love your site! I have been reading you for a few years now and have learned a lot!

  11. Rebekah says:

    I don’t have this ebook yet, but I love Jodi and Julie’s website, lots of great info!

  12. Devin M

    It is about time that someone offered a guide to preparing for emergencies and disasters that breaks it down into baby steps for you. What a neat idea. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Kelly Garcia says:

    Sounds like these books offer lots of great info. Thanks!

  14. Stephanie says:

    I have received copies of these 3 books. They are very helpful in planning and how to start long term storage for food and important documents to have ready in case of natural disasters.

  15. Dawne says:

    I desperately need to learn some of these baby steps!

    I am constantly amazed at how many times I read a post on your site and discover information about something I have been looking into doing.

  16. robyn donnelly

    Always being able to look up information in a book is helpful and necessary. I can’t always remember everything or the exacts of certain items.

  17. Allyson Bossie says:

    This ebook sounds great for those learning how to store food. Stockpiling is a learned art!

  18. Natalie Nichols says:

    This sounds really great. I’m always looking for ways to be more organized.

  19. Donna K says:

    It sounds like a good set.

  20. John Hutchens says:

    very helpful and useful ebooks

  21. Mary Songer says:

    If you’re interested in disaster preparations then these ebooks are the way to go. They spell out everything you need to do in easy to read instructions and give you the plans and charts to use to keep track of your progress. Nice for those of us who tend to procrastinate and get overwhelmed.

  22. Ashley F says:

    These e books seem like they would be really helpful in learning how to store food appropriately. Not only for disaster preparedness, but also if you buy a lot in bulk and want to get the most for your money.

  23. Stacey Roberson

    This sounds like a great book and checklist to follow. We have an ongoing food storage already, but we could definitely use more tips and tricks.

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