Homemade Natural Laundry Powder


There are so many homemade laundry detergent recipes on Pinterest!!! I really wanted to make a simple natural one, so I looked through a bunch of different posts and made my own. It works great on every load of laundry.


Homemade Natural Laundry Powder


All you need is a bar of Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Soap, Borax, and Washing Soda. If you want, you can add a natural oxy boost, I found some at my local re-fill store.


My recipe is a 1:1:1 ratio. Grate the bar of soap, add 1 cup Borax, and 1 cup washing soda. You can choose a scented Dr. Bronner’s soap or you can add some drops of essential oils. I give the canister a good shake before I use it. An average load needs about 2 Tablespoons.


One thing I love about my natural homemade detergent is that there is no dye in it! No bright blue specks in my detergent! No chemicals or harsh additives.


This detergent is easy to make and works well. I hope you like it as much as I do.


UPDATE: Since publishing, I have learned that Borax may not be the best option. Here is more info about Borax. I am looking into replacing the Borax with Baking Soda and I will let you know how that turns out and what my new ratios are.


This post is linked up on Simply Natural Saturdays.