The Event goes from October 30 – November 11th
Several bloggers have joined together to bring you some amazing giveaways! The complete list of bloggers can be found below.
Each prize is valued at $25 or more! Have fun and good luck!
At Brittleby’s Corner you have a chance of winning Organic Whole Fruit and Vegetable Powders from Activz! Winner gets to choose one fruit and one veggie powder (standard size). The retail prices vary on fruit and veggie selection.

Oh, I’d pick mango first. If I picked a second flavor it would be strawberry.
I’ll be 47 on Christmas Day. I’m beyond happily married to my soulmate/bff love of my life. Mom to 5 awesome young adults, all on their own now. 2 sons ages 19 & 27 and 3 daughters ages 21,22 and almost 26.
My name is Courtney and I love eating healthy!
I have been vegan for 7 years!
I have 4 children, daughters ages 19, 17 and 1 and a 3 year old son. I almost lost my older girls in a car accident in March, my younger was in a coma on life support for 10 days. They called the accident in as a fatality. God breathed life into her and healed most of her fractures and internal injuries while she was still in a coma. To see her today you’d have no idea she had a traumatic brain injury, there are a few cognition issues we’re still dealing with, but her doctors and therapists have all told us what a miracle it is that she’s going so well. God has been so merciful to me! I’m very thankful to still be the mom of 4 kids!
I’m 56. I am 56, been married 39 years, had a brain enuryism almost 5 years ago
I have 2 wonderful grandsons 1 & 6
I have just been diagnosed with shingles due to stress. woot
Happi Shopr recently posted..
I am really short, I have always been 4’10”. But after a little more than a year of yoga, I seem to be 4’10 and a half!
Becca recently posted..My "Real" Job – Working with Special Needs People
I have 2 children and an angel baby who would have been 5. The age gap between my oldest and youngest is 14 years – 21 and almost 7!
I’m a fan of Star wars
I have a very active four year old son
I don’t mind trying out organic and natural things as long as they are good and healthy and taste good. Of course, there is a limit to what I will eat or drink. Nothing raw or uncooked including fish.
I”m a mom of 1 with another on the way.
i can’t wait for the holidays!
I just lost 15 lbs
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I have Essential Tremor and have had Deep Brain Stimulation to help control the tremors.
I have one dog, Vicki [Vix for short] and she is 12.5 years old. She’s (by choice) my only “baby”.
I just had a gastric bypass and lost 100 lbs so far, sadly I have more to go.
Sandra Watts recently posted..
I’d love to try this as my son is a vegetarian and I think he would really like this.
I love to crochet and enter contests even though I cant seem to win any lol
I am 59. I had to retire early because of osteoporosis. My bones are failing me. I have 4 children and 8 grandchildren
I have Lupus and trying to maintain healthy eating habits is a big part of keeping under control.