Sweet Ben!

After putting our kids to sleep last night, Ben got up to up to use the restroom. Upon hearing him Chloe called for him. Through the monitor, Ry and I heard Ben singing Chloe songs, starting with the special one that Ry made up for them. It was so precious. My mom has told me when they stay the night with her, Ben will sing the song to Chloe. I hope that he continues to watch out for her as they grow!

Summer Fun!

Finally uploaded some summer pictures!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Chloe! This was taken at her birthday party at Sylvan Park right after she opened her gifts!
Chloe’s first pair of heels, although Ben loves to wear them too!!!!

Beach FUN! When Chloe first touched the sand she cried…but she made significant progress and was REALLY dirty when we left :)

Playing at the park!


We’ve had a great summer!


For Labor Day weekend my family traveled to Stockton to visit Ryan’s extended family. We ended up leaving our house at 2:45 in the morning on Saturday and we got there about 10. Ry actually drove the whole way, but it still was exhausting for both of us. He took a nap when we got there and I had to watch the kids. Then the kids took a nap so i got a teeny tiny nap…overall, its just not worth traveling that early because we were both exhausted the whole weekend. It was nice seeing family though! We haven’t been up there since Christmas. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins, especially swimming!


Then they got creative and discovered that they could “swim” in a metal trash can!

It was a fun trip but then we decided to drive home during the day on Tuesday which made for a long day. The kids did really well considering that we have never traveled during the day with them for a long trip! Hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day Weekend!

Weight Loss

I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember! Pretty much throughout HS, college and marriage I weighed the same thing till I got pregnant with Ben! Well, with my new diet of veggies, fruit and fresh juice, I am now within 8 pounds of where I started! I have lost 10 pounds in the last 4 1/2 weeks…which is crazy! It feels so good to see results! My victory is not over yet though because I do have those last 8 pounds to go and then after that I would love to see another 15 to 20 go . . . that will be the hardest part of all because my body has never been that low on a consistent basis. Pray that I don’t give up!