I can’t believe its been almost a week since I last blogged! Time is flying at the Minor house.
So a week ago Thursday I got 2 phone calls for subbing on Friday! I had to turn them down because my voice was still weak and I still couldn’t hear out of my left ear (and of course, the yard sales). Then on Friday morning I got 2 more calls! I hadn’t subbed in a month and I get 4 sub jobs for when I can’t!!! This week there were no jobs until Thursday night when I got an offer for an IEP (teacher-parent thing). YES!!! Finally a job. Then Friday morning I got a 2nd job for after my IEP. YES! YES! Then I got a phone call canceling my first IEP :(. Then I got a call at 8:09 for a job that started at 7:15 and ended right before my other job. I had to decline because I wasn’t going to get there in time. But then I called district offices and they said they were low on subs so to just get their ASAP! Got the kids ready and myself, ran out the door, dropped the kids with my mom and made it there by 9. Easy sub job too because there was another sub in the room as well as a student teacher (really weird). Rushed off to my second job (in Highland) and ended the day with a full day pay….awesome!!!
Yard Sales part 2
Saturday turned out to be ok yardsaling weather. When I woke up there was snow all over so I thought it was going to be a failure, but the sun came out and so did the people! Didn’t get much, so I am so glad I got my yellow plate the day before! Haven’t taken a picture of it yet but its lovely!
In need of some greeting cards? My mom just started an Etsy store featuring her handmade cards! She is the Queen of Paper Cards!!! Check it out! http://www.etsy.com/shop/queenofpapercards?ref=pr_shop_more
Yard Sales
This weekend was supposed to be the motherload of yardsaling….weather, why didn’t you get the memo? Twice a year the city of Beaumont does a yard sale. The city even prints up a map of all the homes doing it and tells you the days they are participating (fri, sat &/or sun). This fell on this weekend. Also, my Sundance community I live in does two yard sales a year and it also fell on this weekend. Plan of attack: City yard sales Friday and Sundance yard sales Saturday. Perfect…two wonderful days full of great deals!!!
Well as many of you know the weather has not been nice. But at 6:30 this morning the sun was out and no rain…yes! It was freezing but we did it! The only disappointing thing was that most of the sales advertised were not going on….they were afraid of the cold (and the rain). It did hail a couple of times while we were out, but nothing too bad. I got a couple of things, including a beautiful yellow Crate and Barrel serving platter! I will post a picture later! Hopefully tomorrow’s weather behaves!!!
So I guess my last post was a little TMI- too much info! Sorry! Life as a mom I guess. As a parent crazy things are going to happen, I figure if I share my experiences, when you go through the same things you won’t be as freaked out! Sorry if there wasn’t a warning. Next time I will warn you about blood, puke, etc.!!!
Drama at the Minor House
My household has been sick for too long! Ryan has been sick 5 times this year with sinus issues and finally went to the Dr who said it has to do with allergies! He was prescribed Claritin and a nasal steroid. Then Ben’s eyes started getting goopy, so one call to the Dr and we had a prescription for pink eye meds. Then Ryan had chest pains so he went to the Dr and was told he had Pluerisy, which mostly affects the elderly (he’s only 30)! He just sat around for days because sharp pains would shoot through his body if he moved, or breathed!! Then last Friday my throat was burning and I felt sick all day. This led to no voice by Sunday night. On Monday night my left ear started hurting….which led to a trip to the ER at 11:30 at night. I now have an ear infection that has stolen my hearing in my left ear and I cannot talk. No pain anymore but I am on antibiotics and ear drops. Ry is now back to work and my mom has helped so much by watching the kids all day Friday and then on Tuesday as well. I still have a cough which led to last nights story…I thought we were out of the woods… SO last night I let Ry go to bed first so he could fall asleep and my coughing wouldn’t keep him up. He went to bed at 10 and I got in bed at 11 (I slept all day At 11:25 I heard Ben crying and calling “Daddy”, this NEVER happens, so I got up and used my phone as a flashlight. When I got is his room he was sitting in bed and crying about being wet…with my flashlight in had I could tell there was stuff all over the bed….my immediate thought was puke! I turned his light on and I was surprised to see blood everywhere. I yelled for Ry and brought Ben to the bathroom. He had a nose bleed. I didn’t freak out because I knew exactly what was happening. When I had subbed in a school office before a kid came in with a bloody nose and a secretary pulled out a long booger from his nose and the bleeding stopped. When a long booger came out of Ben’s nose I knew he was fine. I was told this happens when there has been a sickness and mucous clogs up the sinus’ which leads to a nose bleed to flush it out. With all that said, Ry read him a book to calm him down after he was cleaned up, while I changed his sheets. We all slept peacefully the rest of the night! I hope that is the end of all our sicknesses and weird happenings!! I’m also glad I had a voice when I woke up this morning!!!! Now I am just working on the cough!